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Notable investments
The below companies are actively hiring. Reach out to learn more about portfolio opportunities. For compliance, asterisk (*) denotes personal investment.
- Ramp (15,000+ customers)
- Rippling* ($100 million+ ARR)
- Epic Games* (100 million+ users)
- Zepto ($1 billion+ annual sales)
- Hallow (20 million+ downloads)
- Recurrency, Moment, Kinetic, Doss, Forge*
Below is a selection of posts I’ve written for my blog or major online publications from 2016-present. If you’re hit with a paywall, contact me and I can send a PDF.
Interview with Emil Michael Emil was Chief Business Officer at Uber. He raised billions of dollars, drove international expansion, and managed a “regulatory revolution” for rideshare
The Zepto Story my “warehouse interview” with Aadit and KV discussing how they took Zepto from zero to $500M+ revenue in less than three years
In Defense of Generalist Investing my TechCrunch article showing why a generalist investing style is fundamental to venture capital
Request for Statecraft technological innovation can’t solve all problems. The answer is better statecraft
What VCs Are Building in 2023 my TechCrunch article about how venture firms are evolving
The Veblen Economy how the global economy is “Veblenizing” as it industrializes
Nth Layer Investing notes on investing with a focus on leading indicators, not lagging ones
First Principles Interviewing how to hire for insight rather than experience by asking the right questions
Opportunities (and challenges) in church tech part two of my TechCrunch series
Jesus, SaaS, and Digital Tithing a TechCrunch article about the church tech market
Voodoo Games: Three Narrative Violations my TechCrunch piece about how Voodoo upends recent startup trends
Venture Investing in Eldertech my TechCrunch piece about trends and opportunities with the elderly
Simpson’s Paradox and Thinking Rationally in Venture Capital how empiricism and pattern recognition can go wrong